Empowering Adivasi children through Skill

The primary goal of Sri Vidya Foundation is to empower young tribal (Adivasi) children and women through skill development initiatives. With over a decade of dedicated work in this field, our firm belief is that true self-reliance can be achieved through a combination of education and skill acquisition.

Our focus is on providing economically backward Adivasi children with free skills training, enabling them to attain self-reliance. Central to our mission is the empowerment of tribal communities, and what sets us apart is our unique approach of reaching out to ashram shalas, integrating skills development with formal education. This holistic approach ensures that the tribal youth are not only academically proficient but also equipped with practical skills, making them ready to enter the workforce as skilled workers.

To further enhance the impact of our programs, we collaborate with various institutions to certify our beneficiaries as skilled workers. This collaborative effort not only strengthens our mission but also contributes to the broader goal of creating a skilled and empowered Adivasi community.

Thank you for your support in helping us achieve these meaningful objectives.

Our Mission

Empowering Adivasi youth through integrated education and skills training for self-reliance and community upliftment.

Our mission is based on the idea of Skilled India mission.

Members & Managers

Mrs. Geeta Shetty

Mrs. Geeta Shetty

Mr. Dinesh Lohar

Mr. Dinesh Lohar

Mr. Rohit Bisht

Mr. Rohit Bisht

Mr. Gunjan Chokshi

Mr. Gunjan Chokshi

Mr. Keshar Singh Bisht

Mr. Keshar Singh Bisht

Mrs. Meghna Chokshi

Mrs. Meghna Chokshi

Mr. Gopal Singh Mehara

Mr. Gopal Singh Mehara

Sri Vidya Foundation Navi Mumbai is duely registered under Society's Registration Act 1860 (XXI of 1860). Our Registration Number is Thane/0000449/2023.
View Certificate

Contact Details

Mrs. Geeta Shetty - +919152670350 / geetha.shetty.786@gmail.com